Featured Products
We provide premium acoustic and solid wood panels that easily transform your space. You should Wooditt.
Our stunning and eco-friendly products are made for easy DIY installations. The acoustic and solid wood panels are extremely stylish and transform any space into a head-turning environment.


Need help or have questions? Discover the answers to the most frequently asked questions about our products and services. Alternatively, contact us below and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Can I install the wood panels myself?
Yes, of course! Our products are specifically designed for easy DIY installations. You can view our installations page here for guides and resources. Additionally, we offer customer support for any further questions.
Which surfaces can I install the panels?
You can install and mount the panels on all surfaces, including brick, concrete and plasterboard.
Where can I install the wood panels and can they be used outside?
Our current range of products are designed for indoor use only, however, we are launching a outdoor range of products soon.
How long does it take for samples to be delivered?
Our samples box usually takes 2-5 business days to arrive.